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Support to get the best out of your admin time

A Free Resource from the Magpies Focus Hour group to help you organise any admin session in your week to get the best out of your time.  Work in ways that suit your ADHD neurotype to give yourself the best shot at keeping the paperwork under control.

Chatter of Magpies coaching and mentoring for allied health professionals

Knuckling down to get clinical paperwork done is always going to be trickier for AHPs with ADHD - and even when we are organised enough to block out a chunk of time for admin, it can be hard to get started and to stay on task.  Plus we're often wildly overoptimistic about how much we expect ourselves to cross off the list in the given time.  This planner uses the best evidence-based productivity strategies that actually work for an ADHD neurotype to help you get the most out of a planned admin session.


You can download the planner by clicking on the image below, and either fill it in by typing on your computer; uploading it as a template to your Remarkable or iPad; or by printing it out and writing on it.  Body doubling - or working alongside another person who is also doing admin helps too, so if you can, rope in another AHP either in person or online.

I won't go as far as to say enjoy your admin session - but I hope this helps you have a productive one!  You've got this.


Free download

Planner explanation.png
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